Friday 28 December 2018

Lung Cancer Treatment

Treatment decisions in lung cancer depend on whether SCLC or NSCLC is present or not. Treatment also depends on the stage of the tumor. In NSCLC, the patient's performance status is a major determinant of the possibility of benefit from treatment. The most commonly used treatments for lung cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies.
The cancer deaths that most people die in the world include lung cancer. Lung cancer can happen in both men and women, but usually, men are suffering from it more than women. According to research, more people die every day from lung cancer than people who suffer from breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer every year. One of the main causes of lung cancer is smoking and men smoke more than women, hence they have a higher risk. Let us tell you why the treatment of lung cancer is difficult.

Stages of Lung Cancer

The most common method to detect lung cancer levels is called the TNM System. T (1-4) indicates the size and direct expansion of the primary tumor. N (0-3) indicates how much cancer has spread to lymph nodes (lymph nodes). M (0-1) indicates whether cancer spreads to other parts of the body or not. For example, a small tumor which is not spread in lymph nodes and distant parts can be displayed as T1N0M0.
lung cancer Stage
Depending on the size and structure of the cancer cell through the microscope, pulmonary cancers can be classified mainly into two types - Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and Small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Non-small cell lung cancer is the cause of 80% of lung cancer, while for the remaining 20%, small cell lung cancer is responsible.

Lung Cancer Symptoms and Causes

Lung Cancer Symptoms and Causes
Lung cancer is a type of cancer that causes many female and men to go to death each year. You will be surprised to know that the number of women who die from lung cancer in many countries is much higher than women who die of breast cancer. If a person is coughing often, who is not taking the name of recovering from home remedies or even medicines of which he is neutral That person must consult with a specialist because it might be a symptom of a serious disease or cancer.
Lungs are part of our body's internal organs. In this case, lung cancer cannot be tested from the outside, so today we are going to tell you about some early symptoms of lung cancer, which are seen outside the body. These symptoms are needed to be taken seriously and when it is felt, it is important to consult immediately with a doctor, to avoid fatal health problems.